- Todo:
- Add project description to main page
- Finish the description of the project
About this project
This is FRC team 4529's vision system, built by Andrew Silver.
It is built in C++, and uses OpenCV 2.4 (http://opencv.org/).
It is very high performance, reliable, is platform-independant, and is simple to use in C, C++ and Java. It can run on both the driver station, and even on the RoboRIO itself!
The system will pick up the tote markers from a frame source, and will report the center X position of the marker, along with the rotation direction and the total width of the detected area (including space in between).
Vision Representation
- See also
- rotation_t Rotation direction
LineResult Output data from the vision system
Setting up the library
Getting the library
You can either:
Manual compilation
- Download/setup OpenCV 2.4.10 from http://opencv.org/downloads.html
- Attention
- Do NOT use 3.x, as the library is not currently compatable!
If you wish to port it yourself, feel free!
- Note
- If you want to use this for the RoboRIO, you will need to compile OpenCV from source.
Modify the ARM toolchain that comes with OpenCV, and use cmake - DO NOT USE frcmake!
Instead, check the contents of the toolchain file it uses, and incorperate the changes into the OpenCV ARM toolchain.
- Clone the library source source.
1 $ git clone https://github.com/frc4529/2015-Vision.git
- Compile the code
- Note
- frcmake will NOT work with this. frcmake is a cmake wrapper, we do not use cmake.
- Move on to Using the library
Using a pre-compiled binary
- Go to https://github.com/frc4529/2015-Vision/releases and download the latest release.
- Move on to Using the library
Using the library
C++ usage
C++ on the RoboRIO
See https://github.com/frc4529/2015-Vision/blob/master/test.cpp for usage.
C++ on the driver station
See https://github.com/frc4529/2015-Vision/blob/master/test.cpp for usage.
Java usage
Java on the RoboRIO
To have the code compile in eclipse, add this to the end of your project's build.properties file (open with a text editor):
1 wpilib=${user.home}/wpilib/java/${version}
2 wpilib.lib=${wpilib}/lib
3 wpilib.jar=${wpilib.lib}/WPILib.jar
4 networktables.jar=${wpilib.lib}/NetworkTables.jar
5 jna.jar=/full/path/to/jna.jar
6 classpath=${wpilib.jar}:${networktables.jar}:${jna.jar}
Change the jna.jar property (line 5) to the full path of the jna.jar file.
For Windows, include the drive letter in the path for jna.jar - and ONLY jna.jar (E.g. "C:/path/to/jnalib.jar")
- Note
- If the project doesn't compile, reporting multiple errors similar to "Cannot find symbol" relating to Pointer, PointerType, jna, etc, you have set the path to the jar incorrectly.
The file will most likely not be called jnalib.jar or jna.jar. Most of the time it is named jna-x.x.x.jar
- Attention
- Ensure you have set the FULL path to the JNA jar file, and you have included the full filename including the extension.
Move on to step 1 of Java on the driver station
Java on the driver station
- Include https://github.com/frc4529/2015-Vision/blob/master/pikavision/PikaVisionLibrary.java and https://github.com/frc4529/2015-Vision/blob/master/pikavision/LineResult.java
- Set JNA_LIBRARY_NAME on line 15 to the path to the library.
- See https://github.com/frc4529/2015-Vision/blob/master/pikavision/test.java for usage.
- Author
- Andrew Silver - https://github.com/Silvea12/